The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Horsley Mill, near Nailsworth

Ok, I cheated. This was yesterday, on the Ruskin Mill estate. Today was dreich. I took an old chair to the derelict building near my workplace, so I can sit out at lunchtime, overlooking the car park, on a sunny day. Today wasn't one of them.

Colleague and I drove out to a village, to pay a home visit. We found both the village and house very well maintained, with a hint of Midsomer Murders ( perfect village, apparently deserted) about it. Spent the afternoon back in the office, and I found to my shock, when I left at 5.30, that an umbrella was required for the walk home.

Got home in one piece. Too late for Pointless,but my new show is Animal Park, about the animals at Longleat. Today a female zebra was operated on. Nail-biting stuff.

Oh, and in other news the statutory training modules have arrived on my laptop. They'll keep me busy for the next little while. Today I did Governance, Fire safety, and Prevent(ion of terrorism).

I've also booked another mini-holiday. Norfolk in August, with GG. July in the Lake District, also with GG.(that one's just a weekend). I've booked separate rooms, because her makeup takes so much space.

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