
I'm working today, and Alan dropped me off in Waterloo about 30 mins before I was due to start, so I could have a wander around town with my camera.

As you can see we've got a lovely blue sky, but it's very windy and quite cold. I took quite a lot of different shots, but as I've previously blipped statues, the park and the Church, I decided that today I'd show you the main shopping street, Chaussee de Bruxelles in the centre of Waterloo. It was taken about 10.30am, so it was still relatively quiet as the shops only open at 10am.

Our shop has been quite busy so the day is passing quite quickly. I don't want to talk too soon, but my back seems slightly better today, but I'm taking it relatively easy and not lifting anything too heavy.

Anyway, I'd better get back to work, hope you're having a good weekend!

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