Tiny Droplets

I'm easily amused.  We waited all day for a soaking rain that never came.  There is a quick passing shower going on as I write this - not what I had in mind.  I decided about 5 p.m. to do some watering since things were looking parched.  Not the best of times to water, but hey.  Getting used to the fact that we have to pay for water (we used to have a well) so trying to be more conscious of using it,  but our bill hasn't looked too bad so far, so I'm going for it a little.

Hopefully a cool front is coming through and we can once again open the windows and turn off the air conditioning.  

My great niece Lily who has come to visit has joined the "Equity Team" at her Middle School.  It's a team that is looking at how students at her school are disciplined based on race, gender and a few other things that I can't seem to remember.  Their findings were surprising but not really - the students of color were treated differently, disciplined more harshly.  Tonight she and the team presented their findings to the Town Council in their community - I got to watch the replay on YouTube.  She did an amazing job with her part - she knew her facts and presented them proficiently.  It's great that 13 and 14 year olds are aware and speaking up about such issues.

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