Happy Birthday!

I had a busy morning - I cleaned the Guinea Pig crate, made their outdoor pen ready for when it gets warm enough for them to go outside, I vacuumed all the sand off the floors and did some work on the computer.

Then the boys and I went to the beach. We had the best afternoon and I have so many wonderful beach pictures of dogs playing in the water or running in the sand. Lots of blips to choose from!

And then I came home to this... and forgot all about blipping beach pictures!

Brunch gave birth to 2 little girls and a boy. I call them Coffee (black), Latte (brown) and Starbucks (tricolour). They must be less than 3 hours old on this picture.

Mummy Brunch is doing really well - she is very relaxed about everything. She is eating well and is happy to leave the babies for a little while and come and cuddle with me, when I take them out of their cage.

The babies are big and strong too. They are very lively and not easy to get to sit still for long enough to take a decent picture.

Happy weekend!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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