Physical Therapy Day

I faithfully did my exercises and actually practiced walking with my cane. It’s too early for the cane, but I felt pretty secure. The swelling continues to go down and my pain is very manageable. I do have odd pains now and then when walking , lower leg intermittent discomfort. I think these are muscle spasms that some folks get during the healing process after surgery. It would figure that I would get them.

I, along with the rest of the country that still has a soul, have suffered from mass trauma today. I worked 30 years of my life from two semesters of student teaching and twenty eight years in schools and classrooms that felt as safe as a second home. That was until Columbine in the late 90s. Now, no school, large or small seems safe. Don’t talk to me about mental health or pure evil. It is endemic here and here alone. No one 18 or any age needs two military assault rifles, no one.

For the Record,
This day came in cool and sunny.

All hands begging for Peace

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