Yet again
Another mass shooting at an elementary school, 10 years from the last one at an elementary school. 19 students, ages 6-10, and two teachers were executed yesterday.
While i am sad at the suffering that is ongoing, I’m also mad as hell. The bodies haven’t even cooled yet and Republicans are already trying to put the breaks on any action that would curtail availability of guns.
It’s a familiar refrain: we can’t discuss the topic while in the heat of the moment; we need guns to prevent such tragedies (aka ‘a good guy with a gun to gun down a bad guy with a gun’…); guns don’t kill people, people do; it’s a mental health issue, and on and on. And if past experience is any indicator, the strategy will work: not a damned action has been taken in 10 years.
I thought, back after the last school shooting, that if the deaths of babies didn't do it, nothing would — unless of course you talk about fetuses, in which case, it’s perfectly fine to curtail rights (women’s of course).
I am not religious (in fact i think religion can be at the root of some evil) but if there is a hell, i hope all these politicians (and their supporters) burn in it for eternity.
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