1st Official Grannie Duty Day

Daughter Number 1 went back to work today and I started my official Grannie Duty. It was a great day and DN1 managed very well and said she actually forgot she had a baby for a very short while!!

I took Matty for a walk around the cabin, gave him lunch, changed him and took him with me to collect my new paper round leaflets. I have been given a new round that will be in my new house area so better for me but alot more magazines. We then collected DN2 and Jasper and headed into town for some stimulation and coffee.

The boys were great and loved sitting next to each other in the double buggy. Matty grabbed some pink shoes off the shelves and chucked them at Jasper as soon as I took a picture of them!!!

Mr W went to Lady Lindas with Bella which has made my evening so much easier!

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