Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Get well soon

I had a call last night to say that my dad was being taken in to hospital with a suspected stroke, I followed the ambulance and waited with him while test were done to establish the strange behaviour I had witnessed on Thursday.

Unfortunately the CT scanner machine at the hospital I work at had broken down so he was transferred to another hospital.

I was working today and the staff on the ward acted brilliantly, the consultant was phoned at home and he said get him transferred on to our ward, although he hasn't arrived just yet the staff have been getting his room ready, as you can see by the name above his bed!!

He has had a mini stroke which has just effected his speech thankfully he can still move limbs.

I'm sure he will be seeing plenty of the wards PAT dog..

Managed a quick walk with Roo out in the sunshine to a local favourite church.

Early night for us now.

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