I'm Gonna Get Myself Connected

I've noticed that quite a few of my blips have associated music with an image - and you'll be glad to know today is no exception!
The title of today's blip is a lyric from the song "Connected" by the band Stereo MCs which started playing in my head when I was taking this shot - probably because I had been recently watching a re-run of an old episode of Top of The Pops from 1992 on BBC4 on which this track featured prominently.
The band are vocalist Rob Birch and DJ/Producer Nick Hallam and I love the fact that they set up their recording studio and record label in the mid 80's with money they were given to leave their London flat and, dispensing with using a backing band, travelled to early gigs on public transport.
If you look closely at the image you can see that each cell has a distorted self-portrait of me trying to take this shot!

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