
By pipnat51

River cruiser

After calling in at work this morning to finalise my phased return at a meeting with my manager I carried on into town for a riverside walk. After parking in College Lane I walked along Mill Lane to the footbridge by Lucy's Mill and across the Avon.

I decided to go along to see the new 250 berth marina which has been opened today close to Sausage Island. Quite a few people there as Timothy West the actor was doing the official opening but he hadn't arrived yet. As you probably know he is very keen on narrowboats and has made a few TV series on them with his wife Prunella Scales.

I was very impressed with what they have done and really hope that it is successful and I cannot imagine that it won't be.

After carrying on around the marina and back on to the riverside path there were a small crowd of people on the footbridge over the marina entrance. I stopped to chat with someone I know and she said that Timothy West was arriving on a restored Lake District boat and he was due to arrive imminently. Which he did, and the photo I've blipped is the arrival of said boat just before it entered the marina.

Weather was beautiful and full of sunshine albeit a little breezy in exposed places. Second photo is of the marina and third one is of a gaggle of geese on the Recreation Ground opposite the theatre.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and thank you as always for the stars and nice comments which you've made time for x

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