With Sparkles

By WithSparkles

The Cholas

Today has been a pretty good day. This morning I met up with some friends from work at Summerhall. One of them brought their two young children, one of whom spent the whole time 'hoovering' the cafe, meanwhile the other introduced all her toys to another little girl. Rather than having a cup of tea I had some delicious raspberry and apple lemonade.

This afternoon I tried to study a bit but had lots of lovely visitors, one being my neighbour and the other my friend, just back from Germany.

This evening Chris and I went to a new South Indian restaurant which just opened up near us. We had delicious food and the staff were very friendly. My personal highlight was at the end of the meal when the man brought us a colourful bowl of that refreshing aniseed-y stuff they sometimes have in Indian restaurants. Chris had no idea what to do with it, and we had a good old giggle as he awkwardly sampled it. Wish I'd tricked him and told him he'd to finish the lot, tee hee!

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