A New Day

By ANewDay

View from The Knock of Crieff

I had a hastily-arranged blipmeet today with Notions (aka The Wren) and we managed to fit in a lovely lunch in Crieff, followed by a delightful guided tour of The Knock, which features so beautifully in many of her blips.

I had a chance to meet Cara and Bruce, that loveable pair who also appear regularly and now I want one of each!! Wonder what Simba would say if he knew?

The weather was fairly mild, but quite blustery and we spent some hilarious moments trying to photograph the "berries" on the larch tree, which just wouldn't stay still long enough for my compact camera to focus!

A thoroughly enjoyable blipmeet again and I'm off to have a long soak in the bath after all that exercise:-)

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