Glorious colour

Nice lie in this morning after sleeping so well on our new mattress, felt odd not to have the boys to walk but we were a bit pushed for time. We had arranged to meet Miss PHL in town at the fruit named shop to get a new phone as hers is beyond repair. Suffice to say it was an expensive trip as the prices were too not to change all 3 of our phones so I’m now the owner of an iPhone 13. The camera capabilities are tremendous and although today’s blip is on my old phone, expect great things from tomorrow!

Quick bite of lunch with Miss PHL before heading home just in time to meet my friend Fiona fir a walk with her dogs. Lovely day with great chat and we covered just under 8km so I’m pretty pleased with that.

Mr PHL collected Phin and Henry and the 4 of them had a great time running around in the sunshine before Fiona took her dogs home. Not 2 minutes later I had 2 very sleepy boys snoring away!

Got my data transferred to the new phone then nipped out to pick up a case and get petrol for the wee car as it was almost running on fumes.

We had yummy steak and chips for dinner and I’m now slobbing on the sofa with a wee glass of red wine.

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