Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90


Depression day and glorious sunshine too! First stop was Ozano in the Matienzo depression to look at a depression in miniature which was a good example of the processes which occur in Karst depressions as a whole. We also spent some time in a sink cave (where a stream exits a depression) studying it before taking a caving trip into it. I'm glad I went because it was so much fun, nothing like I imagined. We crossed the stream from side to side, scrambling over the rocks to the exit, a small waterfall and gorge where we turned and headed back the way we came! Wish I'd have brought the camera for my point and shoot as its waterproof but oh well. After lunch we headed up to El Naso ridge where we should have walked the first day. We clambered over limestone outcrops to the edge of the ridge which gave great views of the whole Matienzo depression and really helped hammer home some of the stuff we learnt during the day. The evening was spent making excel models to postulate an age for the depression. Eating and drinking also occurred!

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