
By Murmuration

Not Billy

but big handsome Neil, my last Guide Dog pup.

His now owner, Sheila, was up in Glasgow bowling for England in the UK championships and invited me along to meet her. It's hard to tell whether he recognised me (its about a year and a half since he last saw me) but I think he did. It was lovely to see him with Sheila and to see how well they get on together - really puts your mind at rest when you know they're happy. He was obviously very popular with the other team members too who all spoke very highly of him.

Also interesting to watch the bowling and how it works when played by people with a visual impairment. Each player had a sighted partner who gave them a verbal description of the position of the balls and then a scorer at the other end shouted back to the players to tell them where there bowl had stopped in relation to the jack eg 2 yards at 4 o'clock.

Although there were only 3 guide dogs present at the event there was another one there called Neil!

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