Jack's Rake

A goodly while ago a day out with me was an auction prize to raise funds for the Samaritans. The winning bidder (v generous, flattered) wanted me to take her 21yr old grandson out and "make him fall in love with Langdale like I did 40 years ago".... Phew, straightforward request then, no pressure.....

Today was the day. We managed to scramble up large parts of Stickle Ghyll & young Lewis was a natural, very fit, good balance, followed instructions. So onwards and up onto Pavey Ark via the always wonderful titular rake. Then across and down slightly to do some of Harrison Stickles East Rib before a contour round to do the West Rib of Pike of Stickle before a descent via Loft Crag.

Got all the way to the valley floor.... And rolled an ankle 500ft from the car park on one of F.... the Fells stupid stone paths, currently alternating ice and hot foot baths.

99% of a Grand Day Out lol

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