The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I have a very early morning daily (15 minute) Teams meeting which is purely informational.

So I am very efficient and I multitask.
I dial in whilst walking Murphy as it’s audio only and the only contribution I have ever had to make is ‘hello’ when I join. No big deal.

But today, the wind was absolutely howling. In order to hide that I was out and about, I had to crouch down by some bushes to get shelter before whispering ‘hello’ like a creepy stalker!

Which got me wondering. What else are people doing whilst on useless mandatory calls?

I have only been to the loo once. I am too paranoid ever since the time I accidentally turned on my camera when I was chair dancing!


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