We spent a very pleasant and relaxing Sunday afternoon as guests of my sister Janet and her husband Mark along with my brother Brendan and sister-in-law Sarah. In typical fashion my sister had outdone herself on the catering front and there were, in effect, 4 deserts. Needless to say I managed to sample all of the desserts, so I probably won't eat anything more now until June as a result.
After lunch with the weather clearing up, we went for a walk across the local fields and stopped at a small nature reserve where this shot was taken.
The Large Skipper, like the other skippers is fairly easy to recognise with its bright orange-brown wings held with forewings angled half open above the hind wings. This male was basking on a nettle leaf. I had gone out for a walk with the 24-70mm lens on the camera which is not ideal for taking pictures of butterflies, not being a macro or a telephoto, but with a bit of patience I was eventually able to get the camera close enough for this shot, which has been cropped a bit as a result.
I am delighted by the reception that yesterday's owl shot has received. I think I've thanked anyone who commented, but just wanted to say thank you to those that awarded hearts and stars without a comment - they are much appreciated.
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