
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends, I am feeling very sad. 

We had a great day yesterday. Jefe and Manda came round and they were fun as always. 

We waved them off at 10pm and I turned around to see a familiar face by our front door - Dave. I remember laughing because it was funny that the little guy had turned up in time for a warm bed and a nice supper.

But when we approached him, he howled in pain. By his behaviour, Caro thought it was most likely constipation, which we've seen in both Jasper and Figgy.

We tried calling the night vets but they were all useless. I called the local one only to find they were being serviced by another town nowhere near us. They instructed us to keep him comfortable and take him to the local vet in the morning. 

We made Dave as comfortable as we could and hoped he could make it to 8am for the vet to open. I slept in the living room with him and Jasper and DG. 

I say I slept. DG slept fine but me and Jasper were awoken every 30 minutes by another howl from the little guy. Every time he moved, he let out another howl. I lay on the floor with him and - touchingly - so did Jasper. 

It gradually dawned on me that he was slowly moving himself toward the back door.

So I let him out into the garden but closed our gate. He took himself to his favourite corner of our garden, where we always find him. I put a blanket near him in case he got cold. I kept checking on him and he seemed fine, just very quiet and sad.

About an hour later I heard a THUD and he was GONE!

It is now the morning and I don't know what happened to Dave. I assume he felt well enough to jump the fence which is a good sign but I'm also desperately worried because he does need the vet. 

Caro and I have been searching and searching for him in the rain (to add to everything else, it must have started an hour or so ago). No sign. I hope he went to one of his "other" homes.

If it is not apparent then I do love that silly, friendly, funny, rumbly, greedy cat. He came into our lives and made us smile. 

I really need to see him again.


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