It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Call Sign "Jaws"

Busy busy weekend!
Saturday my Garri took me to The London Camera Exchange as I had an email saying Nikon gear was having money off for a short period of time. 
Well.....done deal as I was saving for my second only Z lens  (The 24-200mm) Its to be my new workhorse lens as the 28-300mm is on the D850.
£200 off is not to be sniffed at or ignored. 
It has to go on credit card for now but between me and my wonderful man we've almost covered it. Tesco gave us a very small bonus in this months wages for covid or something like that.  As they say Every little helps!!!
The guys at London camera were very pleased to see me back again so soon! Id previously rung up to get them to hold one for me as Id be in as soon as they opened Saturday....which I was.
With it being a busy weekend for us I haven't really had much of a chance to use the combo new camera and lens. However ....I have noticed a huge difference in weight! I didn't realise how heavy the D850 was.

Today we went to see "Top Gun Maverick" I've been longing to see this and with covid crap getting in the way I've finally seen it and I wasn't disappointed!
Utterly brilliant in every way. The cinematography was awesome and the acting was subtle and superb. Couldn't fault it. If you haven't seen it then please go you wont be disappointed.
Tom....if your listening Id Looooooove to go up in a jet!!! 

Also have purchased two wetsuits one short and one full length for the kayaks. Oh and a Zelda Three Legged Thing L bracket and tripod head for the new baby. (I do use tripods occasionally)
Been a bit of a spend monster this week! Oh well you only live once.....

Onto todays macro subject of Ants. I have a huge ant phobia but tonight I went outside in the garden and sat with them trying to get a decent shot of them guarding and milking their pets the Aphids! 
The common black ant has enormous jaws! But although scary to me they are nonetheless fascinating.
Taken a million shots ....or it feels like it. 

Laowa 100mm CA Dreamer lens
Raynox 250 
Yongnuo 968 flash on full power
Cygnustech Diffuser
Lots of patience


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