Amsterdam Centraal

Well, what was supposed to be a relaxing day where the train would take the strain was anything but. A scrum at Heerenveen station and worse at Zwolle. And poor F had to be jettisoned. But once to got to Amsterdam Zuid we cycled into town just in time to meet him at Centraal. Here’s MrT trailing as usual - that splodge of red is his handlebar bag and you can just make out that he’s struggling to get his leg over.
So, over the river to camp at Vliegenbos where I volunteered to fetch refreshments from the local Polski shop. Then, rather than return to thronging crowds, we cycled to a nearby pub - t’ Sluisje. What a winner! An old bar beside a lock gate, a genial landlord on the excellent beer taps, and even a decent plate of food. I may be moved to write a Google review if the iPhone battery holds out.

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