Clark Tales

By cclark

The Shoe Fettish Continues

Lily at least got a pair that matched and had them on the right feet, a feat for a 2 yr old who's usually obsessed with taking your shoes off you the minute you arrive and reluctant to return them...nice to pop in on the girls late afternoon and hang out in their 'tent'.

Wee visit to Methil/Leven way today but no fruitful blips due to blustery weather. However I did have what I think must have been the most bizarre, some say the best, sandwich in Fife. It was a ham salad roll, but the salad was literally egg, lettuce, beetroot, coleslaw, onion, tomatoes and half a pound of ham, well I jest but it felt like it. It was practically impossible to eat but was exactly what you ask for - an actual salad on a roll.

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