
Up early and out of the flat by 6.50am to catch the two buses to Luke's work and take Otter to Josie's on the way. Luke has a network of willing "Otter sitters" - he certainly has won a lot of hearts (including mine).

It was time for my monthly shift at Empty Kitchens Full Hearts and as always I enjoyed it so much (see extra). I've never worked a Monday morning shift before so the other volunteers were all strangers to me, but it's amazing what you can learn about people while you ladle industial amouts of soup and chop boxes of green beans. It is obvious that part of the appeal for most people of being a volunteer here is the social aspect and being part of a team. It's also obvious how thankful people are that we are able to be social again - I thought back over the last year and felt so grateful that I am even able to travel around. Hallelujah!

My train home was cancelled because of industrial action but my ticket was refunded and I will catch a bus. I quite like sitting down for 3 hours, reading my book and looking out at the window :-)

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