Carder on Geraniums.

Nothing much to report today. I'm having a very lazy phase. Dusting and hoovering still not done. Yesterday's laundry was folded and put away but that was it apart from scrubbing bird poo off the garden furniture etc. yet again.  It's still quite chilly but the wind has died down which is something. My Kindle and iPad both needed charging this morning and nothing on my book shelves appealed.  The ideal time to get stuck into some useful activity but the mere thought of it made me pick up a book on Georgia O'Keefe.  I like her flower paintings but the ones I really love are her New Mexico ones so I was happy and ended up dipping into another book I have of her work.  "Objective painting is not good painting unless it is good in the abstract sense."   She was talking of painting of course but I wondered if it could be applied to photography too.  It's certainly made me think and hopefully look at things afresh.  Went into the garden with my camera and wandered round really looking and photographing things I wouldn't have even noticed until I was distracted by a bee on the geraniums.  The new ones in the front garden are very popular.  A large part of the afternoon was taken up fiddling with the haul of morning photos and I was just uploading them when a knock came to the door.  Colin had brought my car back with the bill which was very reasonable so that was a relief.  He was telling me he is going to a scooter rally in Kelso with some mates.  It sounds really good.  Great for photos I think so I hope he takes a camera.

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