A Magical Piece Of Furniture.....
Unlike last week's literary inspiration which I had never read, that made me appreciative of the chance to invoke the Heron Rule, I have actually read "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" in college as part of a one month interim course studying The Chronicles of Narnia, so I needed no rescue or backup plan. But, having no lions, witches or wardrobes lying around and no need for the Heron, I have taken the theme, "Inspired By The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" and applied it to a piece of furniture that I inherited from my maternal grandma and which I have loved all my life because it always seemed a little magical to me. My grandma always kept old books and things in the secretary, that I would spend time looking through during summer visits to her house where there was no television to fill my time. It was given to me before I had a place to put it and my mom stripped the old dark lacquer finish to make it fit in with more modern furniture, while she was keeping it for me. It now sits in my house filled with a portion of my music box collection, pictures, along with other assorted treasures, and paperwork for the bills that I still prefer to pay by writing checks. Like the wardrobe, it provides a glimpse into another place and time in my life! Thanks to FrankS for hosting
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