
By GreenArcher

247 Of 365: Swanning About On The Canal

Bit of a bike ride today. Had Planned to cycle from Ratho down to the Falkirk Wheel. Well that was the plan.

Got to the outskirts of Linlithgow and noticed a sign on the canal telling me I still had a long way to go. Twelve miles to be exact, with just a shade under twelve miles behind me.

Too hot and sweaty. I phoned SWMBO to meet me at Linlithgow and collect me. She wasn't too far away. The restaurant where I was waiting had stopped serving food, tea & coffee only to take away.

Got home for a very quick shower and a run down to Dalgetty Bay to Louie Brown's for a late lunch / early dinner. Must have put back on all the weight I sweated off on the canal.

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