New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

After the snow

We were expecting family to stay a day later, but they managed to nab a cheap flight from the airport up here so took the opportunity to have a few days in the reliable sun.  This left me and P with a day booked off work and no plans, so he suggested we bagged Ben Lomond.

I've been after doing Ben Lomond for a while as we can see it from the end of our street on a clear day and I wanted to know what it looked like from the other side.  We were reminded of just how persistent Loch Lomond midges can be, got glorious sunshine, hail and then snow on the summit, plus an absolute downpour in the car on the way home.  But all in all it was a great day to get out in the hills.

This blip is from the summit after the snow had stopped and we were waiting with a friendly couple from the lakes and their beautiful dog (who wasn't allowed any fruit pastilles) to see if the cloud would lift from the surrounding peaks.  Who might notice some blobs of water on the lens!  Will definitley have to do this one agian.

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