Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

It was all yellow...

So sorry for using a Coldplay quote! But it fits today :o) Apologies to any hayfever suffers - do not worry, this will not affect your health! (Although I can still smell it now, ugg!)

I was torn about which photo to use for my blip (the others are here) but in the end I chose this one because I liked the contrast of the bright yellow against the blue of the firth. I'm still not absolutely sure though - it may change yet!

The Highlands for me at the moment is all about gorgeous wee lambs frolicking and big explosions of yellow-ness popping up all over the place. The daffies are starting to die off but now theres all the gorse, broom, millions of dandelions and of course the massive fields of oil seed rape.

Unfortunately I've not been able to get close enough to any lovely lambs to snap them - which is most annoying when you can see them all the way down the road between here and Inverness, but not where theres space to stop a car!
Perhaps from the train tomorrow if I'm lucky ;o)

After we'd been into town today mum and I met dad at The Storehouse and had Chocolate Beetroot cake which was of course amazing, so pleased I got to have some before going back to Edinburgh :O) Too busy eating it to remember to take a photo but I did have a wander around afterwards, so for those of you who have heard tell of the incredible Storehouse I've put some photos on flickr. (Flickr is my new best friend!)

See ya all back in the burger! xxx

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