Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Double Celebration

Today's tree planting work party was organized by the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA), the Whatcom Conservation District (WCD), and Whatcom Land Trust. It was a joint celebration of Earth Day, and the planting of the one-millionth tree in the WCD's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).

Well over two hundred volunteers showed up on a windy,rainy morning. They cheerfully slogged through mud to plant trees, then wrap them in blue plastic tubes to protect them from depredation by wildlife.

Volunteers and staff were dispersed over too large an area to capture in a photo -- even with ArtistAnnie's ultra-wide-angle lens.

In the photo, officials from WCD and WLT ceremonially plant what might be the millionth tree, while Rachel Vasak, Executive Director of NSEA, waits her turn.

Here's a photo to give you an idea of the scope of this project.

P.S. A little clarification. It took thirteen years to get to the million-tree mark.

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