Hair trigger

He may look asleep but dogs are very light sleepers and the slightest disturbance and they are off. He has figured out where we sleep at my mother-in-law's and that if he doesn't arrive to early he's allowed to jump on to the bed and wait for his morning walk - as long as he doesn't make a fuss. Here he is waiting for me to finish reading the news...

On work days he get a short 15 minute walk before I have breakfast and go to work, and at the weekend he gets a longer 30 or 45 minute walk. I think it's good for both of us to have a walk in the morning before starting anything else.

And yes he is wearing pyjamas, he only has a single coat and in winter it's a bit cool in the house where he normally sleeps overnight, so him mum bought him these. As the weather is warming up now he probably won't be wearing them much until the autumn.

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