View from my bed

It was an extremely long night.  I had to lie on my back because I had various tubes attached and I was on hourly observations until 1am and then it got stretched out. The pulsating leg contraptions to prevent you getting a DVT we’re switched off at 4am. I didn’t sleep at all as the elderly lady next to be was making strange noises while awake and more while asleep. At 3.30 am she had a hissy fit and demanded to be taken outside in the fresh air as she was hot. This is not my experience as I get cold after an operation but we are all different. I was told I needed to produce 3 decent wee samples before I was allowed to go home after the catheter was removed. My first attempt failed but I was too early and managed to succeed by 6pm. The surgeon came round to tell me that the operation went well. I had three of them operating the robots. I would love to have been a fly on the wall watching procedures. Back home and all I wanted to do was sleep so I was in bed by 8.15 after having a short FaceTime call with our eldest son, 

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