"be curious"

I watched today one of the most wonderful talks. Sheila Hancock at 89 was so entertaining - funny, angry, poignant and philosophical. She talked about being angry - "we didn't want to get back to 'normal' after the pandemic, normal wasn't good enough before and it isn't good enough now, surely we hoped for change". "We need a leader with a moral compass'. She talked about old age and the importance of being curious - "there is so much I still want to know". 

So thoughtful, so funny - "It is so good of you all to come and see me, I wouldn't have". An inspiration. She has a book - "Old Rage" - I think it will be worth reading. 

One thing she said that struck a chord - "Allow yourself to dwell on a lovely moment" - exactly what Blip is all about, as far as I'm concerned anyway. This afternoon I was finally editing my 10th Blipfoto Book and I looked at all the pictures and thought - "Yes, that is just what I was doing most of the time - dwelling on and capturing a single lovely moment."

Which is why my extras are extras, not blips. Two things seen this morning

 - Isn't a corgi cake just going a little too far! 
 - They are arriving! They shouldn't be here as the Fair has been postponed until next weekend so it doesn't coincide with the Jubilee stuff. But all that means is that they will arrive at the usual time and will stay for a lot longer  . . . sigh!!

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