Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Back in the land of the living!

Finally feeling almost back to normal, after being ill for about five weeks with what showed on a scan as a perforated bowel (yes, slightly embarrassing writing that!). It was touch-and-go as to whether I would have to have an operation but I had a week off work, two courses of antibiotics, no food and a lot of sleep. In absolute agony for about three weeks but the pain has gone now, thank goodness. I've had the precursor to this many times - it's a chronic condition - but never been ill like this in my life before, I honestly thought my time was up!

I probably shouldn't have gone back to work so soon but everyone was really great and, to be honest, it was better to have something else to think about. Everything is going so well at work, such a shame this had to happen but they still want me back... and maybe permanently? Fingers crossed!

I shall catch up on here later but, meanwhile, here's a picture of our visitors this morning.

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