Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Gains Lane, Again!

I will not be beaten, so I returned to yesterday's location, this time armed with wellington boots. I can't say they are as comfortable as my walking boots.........

Note to self - longer socks to prevent them disappearing into the toe of the boots!

I managed to get over the stream and soldiered on across very boggy ground. Unfortunately, however hard I tried this path had definitely fallen into misuse.

There were great clouds again this morning, along with vapour trails from lots of planes (come back the period in May 2010 when all flights were suspended - a boon for landscape photographers!). This was only about 50 metres from yesterday's shot. It was taken at 5:40 am (sunrise photography is becming more of a challenge!)

Right, got to get on, there's a bathroom to paint!

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