Laid Back Building

Long days with intense but fulfilling sessions sharing peoples fundamental drivers in sessions that last about two hours. I did three today including all the prep from early morning, all relieved by some walks around the block between. One thing we look at is their liquid cognitive ability to cope with the demands of complexity in role. I sometimes deal with the super capacitated in this area, one recently having been an RAF test pilot needing to process quickly and accurately a vast amount of data in extremely complex and potentially dangerous situations. The more challenging situation is debriefing people who hold senior and complex roles in large organisations with a below population average capacity. It usually comes as a relief to have it brought out with an opportunity to refocus on other less demanding roles. Occasionally, the emotionally-energised, by nature, can react in an emotional way that is harder to handle. It is all useful information for them to have to move towards a different, less uncomfortable role in which they have to work less hard to even begin to understand the content and challenges, or risk-mitigate the situation by consulting with others on their bigger decisions.

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