Springwatch watcher

The weather has been lovely again: calm and sunny, if a little cool for the time of year. However, the coolness helped to keep the midges down to some extent.
During the day, I took several photos around the garden and on our walk through the woods. All I needed to do was choose which to use. However, before I got that far, we decided to catch up on last night’s Springwatch. During one part of the programme Bertie became very interested in the different woodpeckers on the screen and I couldn’t resist this shot of him, completely absorbed in Springwatch, even tilting his head from side to side at different sounds. 
Strangely, whenever we have been outside recently and the cuckoo has been calling, Bertie goes on high alert. He seems very tuned in to certain aspects of nature. The scent of nearby deer is another favourite.

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