and through the wire...

By hesscat

Killie Krankies

Last week we booked a last minute getaway near Kyle of Lochalsh since I am on holiday Thursday/Friday and we were due a break, we were lucky to get something so late. So I worked in the car on the way up and finished in time for Pitlochry for teateas. We stopped at Killiecrankie for a wee walk, this is Soldier's Leap. The road from Dalwhinnie to Spean Bridge was shut so we had to go a way round Inverness and come in from the top, a bit of a diversion but a route that was new to us.

The place we are staying was much nicer than we expected, and we already knew it was nice, within 5 minutes of walking around Mrs C and I both said to Ms H separately, "we need to come back here again"! 

Looking forward to a few days downtime now.

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