View from Latchford Locks

Latchford Locks - Series on flickr

Blip silence for the last couple of days - in fact today has been the first day that I have actually taken my camera out since Thursday I thin (or was it friday?)

Busy weekend which involved me finally going and getting myself a decent laptop. Have installed all of my photo software but then got distracted on Sunday by putting together the wedding album for Chris and Nicole ...can't wait for that to arrive. Oh, and had to do a pile of work at home yesterday which did nothing for my mood at all.

After a long but productive day at work, I came home with no intention of working this evening, as tomorrow is going to be a shocker of a day - five hours of exam invigilation to do - just me and the kids in the ICT suite, 2 different exams, 2 and a half hours per session, with no-one to talk to at all. AAArgh.

So instead, I took Corin to his parents house where his car has been jacked up on their drive since Saturday when a straightforward exhaust section replacement became slightly less simple with the discovery that the whole exhaust was buggered and not just the back box. The other section came today so I dropped him off to fix it. Thought he would be ages so bombed off to Latchford Locks to take some photos - saw one of the big boats lugging off down the canal after quite an impressive turn in the canal. After 15 minutes of being battered in the extremely chill wind I gave in and went back for a brew - and the exhaust was fixed! Yay.

Quick trip to Asda on the way back to buy a Card reader for the laptop and two cream cakes (the second of which I am about to eat seeing as Corin has buggered off to the pub and left it sat right next to me). Ashes to Ashes, laptop and wireless internet, with cup of tea and cream cake.

I'm like a pig in muck.

Particularly given that the laptop is frighteningly quick at processing my HDR stuff - about a minute per image for merge and then was taking about 10 minutes per image on my desktop!

Now listening to Elbow (Seldom seen kid - if you haven't listened to it, you better try it...they're Bury boys and they are very good -and one of our school governors is the dad of one of the fellers in the band!) and shortly I am going to bed.

Hope everyone is well - am not really finding time to comment - busy time of year with exams starting and lots of stuff going on at work.

And tomorrow evening, the hunt for a wedding dress begins!!! Raaaaaaar - I am Bridezilla - hear me roar :-)

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