Meeting up with family

2 days after meeting up with my brother Paul I met up with my other brother Alan, sis in law , niece and great nephew. 

We picked Channelside as its flat for pushing the trolley and there's a children's playground and a cafe and loos... and lovely views up and down Walney Channel.

A beautiful sunny day, the sea looked quite Mediterranean.  Leo is not quite 2 but managed to walk most of the time although the trolley was there if he got tired. At one point he slipped his hand in mine which apparently was unusual for him and nice for me as most young children dont interact with me.

We had a nice walk, pausing to look at the view every so often  and take a few photos.

We stopped at the Dock Museum . We got coffees and sat out in the sun chatting. 
M was petting Fletch when he  noticed what he thought was a twig. It turned out to be a large fish hook about 2 inches long  As M tried to pull it out it caught on his thumb and drew blood. 
Fletch must have sat down on it as we paused where the fishermen often fish. Luckily it hadnt cut Fletch but what if hed tried to pull it out of his fur and it had caught in his mouth! As it is , M wasnt too happy as his thumb was quite sore. 

Blip is of the old fishing boat Talisker.. I've photographed it many times. Its definitely  not sea worthy anymore, the deck is rusting away but so far it floats when the tide comes in. 

There a photography exhibition in the Dock Museum , the Internationa Photographer of the year . It's free to visit but we couldn't go in with Fletch and it was too hot to leave him in the car. It's on till the 11th of June. For once Im hoping for a dull day next week so we can pop in to visit it after Fletchs walk.

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