
By brambleblossom

Family Day Out .

We have had a grand day out with the three generations at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Beautifully landscaped , well resourced for visitors with a variety of sculptures to provide for different tastes and a delightful place to come together and celebrate HarlingDarling’s birthday,
We were blessed with glorious weather , having set off from our side of the Pennines in pouring rain . After the young families headed off ,so that the toddlers could have their naps, we explored all the amazing exhibits, my favourites were the pieces created by Henry Moore , I generally like the abundance of the rounded figures he creates.
The highlight , without doubt , was watching the children play together as they have only just reached an age where they can enjoy each other. We spent a long time collecting sticks and then throwing them down a short but steep slope , I was “nominally” in charge .
Hope you all have satisfying weekends .

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