The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A Happy Family!

Today wasn't quite the day I had planned but it's been nice. Rags decided that I shouldn't have a lie-in and scratched the door from about 5.15am. I gave in at half five and got up to clean up the mess someone had created (seems like one or two of them must have eaten something that didn't agree with them!). I had a good old stretch and took them all out for a walk. It was a chilly morning but I decided to let them all of the leads to run about. Rags loved it. So did Lottie but her shoulder hasn't liked it since. Back to the vets I think.

I hit the gym and did a really long session, enjoyed it all. Met the gang at Doddington and took this photos - such a good looking family! Came home to work, ring Mum and FT you. Should have been taking Pippa training but after the mess in the sunroom and her apathy ever since we woke, I decided not to bother. I have to write my ICT vision and strategy before I go to bed so I have a date with my whiteboard, laptop and a lot of paperwork.

Going to FT you now...speak soon!xx

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