Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Sigh …….

We must have at least 7 dog/cat water bowls filled up with fresh water at any given time….. yet Nala ( pictured ) and also Kimmie mittens drink from my outside goldfish bowl … ( it’s a bit more than a bowl but just go with it ) . Actually Betty the westie likes a drink from here too … I’ll try get a photo of that one sunny day . We’ve never lost a fish to cats, dogs or Herons . I wonder if it’s because we have dog flaps in our doors and there are always animals in my garden and it keeps birds at bay ? In the winter we literally bubble wrap the pond and it’s got a lid which covers 3/4 of it so that it never freezes and we can keep the little waterfall going .

Thank you again blip friends for all the lovely messages … much appreciated , I mean that , you are all really kind and thoughtful xxxxx

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