JVM my life

By JulieVMac

Out on the water

Apparently, according to my acupuncturist assessment I am dominant water (character), this does not surprise me, on many levels. On the most obvious I love being near water, in water, listening to water. Being back in mullion makes me realise how much.

Today the board got inflated and launched from poldhu. It was pretty choppy, and my seat was not working. I had hoped after breaking through the first few waves I'd be home and dry but it was not to be. The swell was high, I even felt a little vulnerable but pushed through finally finding calmer waters. The wind was in my favour and took me quickly to pollurian although I now had to face again the waves breaking on the shore. I thought I had it in the bag until one big wave lifted the back and I was thrown in. Unfortunately the sunglasses didn't make it.

A wonderful evening was had with good friends made me realise how special the summer of 2014 was 

*spot the boarder in the blip down at kynance 

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