
By sharon143

St arrived this morning for coffee and to measure up what I need for the trellis to provide some screening. There are too many options and I struggled to decide but think I got there in the end . Whilst he was here a very cheerful man from Halfords arrived to change my tyre . I was already wondering whether it was worth driving for an hour and 40 minutes to join A and J at their jubilee party. I got in the car to move it onto the drive - tyre pressure warning light was still on. Couldn’t see anything else obvious but decided not to drive to them and take it to get checked out tomorrow. I hate it when cars don’t work as they should!
Spent the rest of the day cutting the grass and doing various tasks outside - was a relatively sunny afternoon. Can’t remember if I’ve blipped this before but it belongs to my neighbours though on our shared boundary. Not really my sort of thing.

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