Bearded Vulture and ….

… it’s giant chick in extra. Both photos are taken on a cliff on the way up to Deborence. Apparently another pair are raising a chick further up the valley in another “secret” place. These were taken from about 700m away so the quality is not good but these, the biggest of Alpine birds are managing to come back after reintroduction 31 years ago. Now there are only about 220 of these iconic birds in the Alps. They live almost exclusively on bones and raise their chick (usually only one survives of two eggs laid) in the winter when there are the most dead animals around. 

The other reason for going to Deborence is that it has the Lady’s Slipper Orchid growing in a small valley, tucked away from view (second extra for the flower lovers amongst you). It was much easier to get decent photos of these than the bearded vultures of course.

Thanks for your homage to Her Highness, the old Queen of the Alps, yesterday too.

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