Roots-music - Good Friends Like To Play

Today we had a visit to migratory bird's watching towers to Sarkkila-lake. There was very peaceful, but I did not have any good photos, so I add the link here in case you would like to see the anxious with which some finns (including me) are enjoying the singing migratory birds move to Finland in spring time - as well you can have a look to finnish countryside at spring...

In the evening me and my husband had a different opportunity to visit:

In Tampere-talo there is tonight a 10-years concert of the band called Hoedown. The page is in finnish only, but from the page you can click yourself to Tampere-talo 'in english'-main page, where is more of this music- and conference centre, our 'white house' in Tampere!

I must admit that I have never earlier heard this band playing together, but the members of the band are familiar finnish musicians. This is their so called hobby band, as they like each others company.

Which is very important in life - to find a nice group one fits in.
The band sounded good.

The day has been very warm, even +12,5c and all sunny!
Almost all snow has melted, but lakes are still on ice. Can not walk on it any more, I believe...

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