Apwyntiadau a bagiau

Apwyntiadau a bagiau ~ Appointments and luggage

“Our life is an endless journey: the practice of meditation allows us to experience all the textures of the roadway, which is what the journey is all about.”
—Trungpa, Chögyam

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Rydyn ni'n ymweld â Drala Jong yr wythnos hon. Mae ein hymweliad wedi'i gyfyngu gan apwyntiadau ysbyty ar 1af ar 5ed mis Mehefin. Roedd yr apwyntiad heddiw ar hugain munud i dri ac roedden ni eisiau dal y bws i Landysul ar chwarter awr i bump. Roedd yn rhaid i ni gynllunio ein hamser yn ofalus. Aethon ni â'n bagiau i'r ysbyty mewn gobaith y bydden ni'n gallu cael tacsi i'r arhosfan bysiau mewn amser. Yn y diwedd, gorffennodd apwyntiad Nor'dzin mewn amser da ac roedden ni ar y arhosfan bws gyda hanner awr i'w sbario. Roedd y daith wedyn yn syml a chyrhaeddon ni a Gwesty'r Porth yn y noswaith gynnar. Rydyn ni'n cael tri diwrnod cyn rhaid i ni fynd yn ôl i'r apwyntiad nesa.

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We are visiting Drala Jong this week. Our visit has been limited by hospital appointments on 1st on 5th June. Today's appointment was twenty minutes to three and we wanted to catch the bus to Llandysul at a quarter to five. We had to carefully plan our time. We took our luggage to hospital in hopes that we could get a taxi to the bus stop in time. In the end, Nor'dzin's appointment finished in a good time and we were at the bus stop with half an hour to spare. The trip was then simple and we arrived with the Porth Hotel in the early evening. We have three days before we have to go back for the next appointment.

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