Tiny Planets app

For the last couple of days Jade has been the second customer of the day after Midnight. I am pleased about that. She is not skulking around so much, still remaining hidden, but is out in the open a little bit more. She does, however, still drag the wet cat food out of the bowl before she eats it. Whether she is worried about getting trapped again, and taken away again, I don't know.

I still strenuously object to the hacked off left ear to show she has been neutered. And I still have photos from before she got taken last Christmas when she had two perfect ears.

I personally think tattooing should be done instead when every cat has been neutered, even those done privately by their owners. And then when the TNR (trap, neuter, release) contingent come along to traumatise cats (possibly for life, causing the cat to mistrust humans) with their trapping methods, they can see that the cat has been neutered before they trap the animal. Nothing is humane about trapping an animal. And then the TNR brigade will be able to see before they trap and take the cat away, that the cat has been neutered. It would save time, effort, money. And also would save trauma to the cat. And would save on trauma to cat owners who wondered why their beloved pet went missing, and that poor cat may or may not be able to get back to its owners after the TNR release it back again to supposedly where they found it.

Research on Google suggests that maybe up to half the cats (in the UK) the TNR program trap, are actually household pets in their home area. And these cats were unnecessarily trapped, and taken somewhere by a vehicle in a cage, and kept somewhere, before they were finally released again, maybe not even near their original trapping point, thus causing more stray cats.

I am not objecting to neutering, but I am objecting to the way this is carried out here in the UK at present.

I am harping on about this again because I am seeing more of beautiful Jade as she is getting her confidence back, and of her cut off ear, which looks to me like it has been cut off with scissors and makes me wince at the thought of that being done.

Right. Back to the feathered beasties.
Mr Blackbird was a pain in the wotsit yesterday. Mrs Bluetit has a favoured fatball feeder. Just after Mrs Bluetit checked my garden was safe and went to collect her babies, Mr Blackbird sat on top of Mrs Bluetit's favoured feeder and did a huge white mess all over it and the fatballs. Mrs Bluetit came flying in with her babies, and saw/smelt/? the mess Mr Blackbird had left over her feeder. She looked all around (just as a human person does) trying to find who had done this evil deed. Mr Blackbird did a fly past. Mrs Bluetit ushered her babies to the next fatball feeder. And I went out and took the offending fatball feeder down, and washed, and replaced it.

Mr Blackbird was trying tricks towards Mrs Bluetit her three babies. He was causing trouble all day doing flypasts perilously close as Mrs Bluetit was feeding her babies. Little Miss, teenage sparrow, au pair, and bodyguard extraordinaire, was working hard all day chasing Mr Blackbird away from the Bluetit family.

If I could get hold of that blackbird...

There is enough food here, easily available, for Mr Blackbird, but no, he wants to cause the utmost trouble and disruption. 

Mr Magpie dropped in, saw what was going on, and decided to leave...

Creative today, a digital painting of mine, put into an app called Tiny Planets, with Little Miss (teenage bodyguard sparrow) hard on the heels of the rogue Mr Blackbird.

I am avoiding all Jubilee celebrations round here. Still in my hermitage.
For the record I am for the Queen and the monarchy (although there are bits I don't like, but that is the same with anything). I just want to be a cantankerous batty old lady...

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