The day to start is today

By Traci

You should do what you love

unless it's sadistic or a danger to humanity

Easy go day today, quick tidy up and catch up before work tomorrow and then off to a sponsored swim afternoon to be encouraging !!! I can do that! Much easier than the mile the sponsored peeps were doing. Well done to all of them including Bev with not just one but two dodgy shoulders, I think she may be paying for it tomorrow, but there was no telling her NO, and even though apparently she is in the age category that should know better, no she does not.

Back home to get on with a bit of prep for tomorrows back to school and the rumour is I am going to building a boat ...... any other teaching assistants out there who head for the hills when the class teacher utters the words 'I have a plan ....' ? I did not on this occasion whoosh away quickly enough :/

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