Boy's Toys...
This is my boy's Mini Cooper S. He also has a helicopter, aeroplane and an Astin Martin. He keeps them all on top of his chest of drawers :P
After a little lie in (9.30am, not too bad considering we had a late night) a quick bacon sarnie and getting Alan's lunch over and done with, D headed off to meet K for a round of golf and I holed myself up in Alan's room and had a long over due clear out!
Two chests of drawers, bedside cabinet and two wardrobes later and I have 4 bin bags of stuff. Two bags of rubbish, one of toys & games for the charity shop and one of clothes for re-cycling. I also found his lost Tess Daly poster and her signed photo, the Elf DVD that we couldnt find at Christmas, his digital camera, four Next gift cards and a selection box (within date! :D) Guess which find I was most excited about ;-))
I'm knackered now. David is back and I'm on the couch looking all pathetic in the hope he will appear with a G&T and offer to make dinner. Fingers crossed
P.S. Apologies for yesterday's very rubbish and very rushed blip! Hadn't had the chance to take a photo all day so it had to be a quick iphone shot or nothing. After all the rush I was ready in time for our lift and we had a great night with friends in their new home. We were their first proper dinner guests, which was lovely and the meal was superb. Very fitting as they were our final dinner guests in our old house last year, just before we moved.
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